Monday, 30 June 2014

rain maker counsel… the counsel is so very simple…yet the impact is so very profound!
This is earth shattering!  This is what happens when God is IN the workplace.  What?  Paul Gautschi discovered the answer to mankind’s farming problems!  Paul’s discovery is more significant than the invention of the wheel, the computer, or flight.  How did this come about?  Paul interacts with God.  He talks to God and God talks to him IN THE WORKPLACE.
God made us, and he made the earth.  He knows how it works.  Naturally with God on our side, we can expect to do incredible things!

Get a hold of a copy of Back to Eden and watch…watch how Paul, interacting with God, IN THE WORK PLACE, unearths this earth shattering farming technique.

The reason for this repeat coverage of Back to Eden, is that it is such a monumental revelatory discovery!  And it is so in many respects.  The discovery made by Paul here not only solves so many modern farming issues, but MORE IMPORTANTLY it discovers the significance of God being ACTIVELY INCLUDED in the work place.

Free viweing of Back to Eden

Purchase a copy of Back to Eden

What REALLY displays the POWER of INCLUDING God in the work place, is that Paul is not educated!

Paul Gautschi | Gardener

Paul Gautschi has been a gardener for over 55 years and is known locally as a master arborist. In 1979 Paul and his family moved to the Northern Peninsula of Washington from California. As a father to 7 children, he has raised food for his family and friends – never to sell. Paul has given lively tours of his orchards and gardens to international groups from 1 to 450 who have also enjoyed the fruits of his labor. Published articles featuring Paul and his gardens include Sunset magazineMother Earth NewsOrganic New Zealand magazine, and the Peninsula Daily News newspaper. Back to Eden has been broadcast on Amazing Discoveries TV and CapeTown TV (South Africa) and was an official selection in the Awareness Festival and Green Unplugged Film Festival.

Paul’s generosity, passion and enthusiastic outlook has changed the lives of people in the local region and travelers from afar. If you would like to schedule a tour of Paul's home garden, please contact Paul

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Rainmaker is a term to describe one whose council has UNBELIEVABLE impact for the good.  Its God who actually makes the rain.  A rainmaker is one who knows the way to bring down the Creators favor.

Here is ANOTHER ...EARTH SHATTERING example of what wise council can do for mankind.  This is totally revolutionary!  It is incredibly powerful!  And I am no hype snake oil sales man.  Watch the documentary and see for yourself.

What is it?  In a nut shell, it basically shows modern 1st world farming methods have been completely backwards for...EVER!  But especially in our day.

Here is the link.

Here is a link to the full movie until June 27/14

Temporary link to Back to Eden (6/27)

So, it all comes down to your source.  Where are you getting your advice from?  This documentary is POWERFUL proof wise counsel is like a rudder on a large ship.  You can reinvent the wheel if you want, but why would you?  How much time and money do you farmers think this farming method in this documentary will save?  The figures are so high, that it is an astronomical amount of savings!

This documentary is so monumental...I am speechless!  It is absolutely amazing how that rudder can steer a ship into much much calmer and safer waters!

What I am so thrilled about, is that the documentary shows the power of doing things the way they were MADE to be done!  That's what its all about.  If we drive down the right side of the road, we will arrive at our destination safe and sound.  If we sail our boat clear of the coral reef, we will not ship wreck.  If we put gas, and not sand, in our gas tank, our car will run well.  If we optimize the bee hive, watch the honey production shoot through the roof!

Friday, 6 June 2014

Now and then you come across some PHENOMENAL documentary films.  Here is one!

 Fed Up Trailer

As Dr David Ludwig (Associate Professor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School) notes in this trailer of what looks like an excellent documentary, "We place private profit above public health...systematic political failure!"  The documentary cites some high profile authorities making this documentary an earth shattering expose.  They cite/interview Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States!  This looks REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!

Rat poison for humans...only it takes a couple years to kill you.