Saturday, 28 February 2015


Vive la difference as the French would say.

I was sharing some thoughts on this with a fellow G+ r.  Here is what came out...The snow flakes, scientists say, all vary in size and shape.  There is not one the same.  The lesson in that, is that God has made his creation with variety, and there is most certainly a beauty in that!  So we also have been made unique.  Each of us has a unique stamp upon us.

Society is like snow flakes.  Together we can make a beautiful snow fall.  Any who have skied on fresh powder snow, know there is NOTHING like it.  When you fall its almost impossible to get hurt no matter how fast you are going, because the stuff you fall on is so fluffy that its like falling in a cloud...LOL.

Society can also be likened to a body.  Each part is unique.  Each organ has its own function.  Put the organs all together and you have an absolutely AMAZING creature.  What men and women can do with the human body is incredible.  Consider the gymnast...the professional soccer players...the martial arts experts...various sorts of labor from Africans carrying over 100 lbs of water on their heads to the powerful strength in rig hands on a drilling rig...and that's not even touching the subject of what our brains can do.  There are many fields in which the human brain being specialized in has achieved incredible things...such as the space station program...or medical milestones like surgeons preventing spina bifida in children yet in the womb by surgery.

From the snow flakes and the body we learn how society may thrive. Each of us has something to contribute.  And we will thrive the most when we allow each part to maximize its specialty or genius.  Einstein once said, if you teach a fish how to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking it is a moron.  What we must do then, in society, in our educational institutes, is to find what exactly each individual is naturally gifted in.  If we perfect the art of discerning where each person's talent lies, and hone in on an education suited just for that particular person's gift, we will begin to see astronomical results in our societies.

I feel a need also to speak on unity.  Unity needs to be balanced with diversity.  In order to have unity, we need to strive for commonality, which appears to appose diversity.  What we need to do is to find balance between divergent aspects or subjects, and unity among those same divergent parts.  Sounds contradictory almost doesn't it?  Our task is to find the right balance in fostering each parts uniqueness, while at the same time finding as much commonality as is possible.  For example, in the case of a human body, all the different parts make up one human body.  Each part needs to be maximized in its unique abilities, and following Einstein's principle we must not teach the lungs to pump blood like the heart.  At the same time, we must balance this fact with the need to find commonality, since they are in the same body.  That is their unity.  The heart may pump blood to the lungs so the lungs can live and in turn the lungs will send oxygen to the heart so it also can live.

Auto immune disease works like satan and throws this all into a mess.  In auto immune diseases, body parts attack each other, and the body breaks down and even dies.  In society, bullies mock and oppress those parts that differ from them.  Bullies range in age, from kindergarten to Monsanto CEO aged men.  In the Church, satan prods Gods children to FOCUS on the differences, rather than what is the heart of the matter and which makes them one in Christ.  In society one talent or field is focused on, which most commonly it is a university education.  But so many in our day, are in vocations they hate, and that is in a large part due to their not using their own natural genius. A book smart person ends up in a trade and fumbles about anxiously with tools he is not meant to handle.  We all have a God given genius! In the Church, we need to learn to see each persons gift, and that is so often neglected.  We are too busy building our houses or our careers or our empire.  Or we have simply neglected the NEED to develop the body of Christ by making sure all parts are chipping in.  When God's people chip in, they feel satisfaction and have a sense of belonging....they feel as if they are apart of a family...apart of the body...that they matter...and have an impact...and not just an impact, but an important impact...and that is no simple motivational thing...its true...EACH PART OF THE BODY OF CHRIST HAS A VITAL PART TO PLAY!  AND THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE CHIEF PURPOSE I WROTE THIS BIT ON DIVERSITY AND UNITY.  Gods people all have unique gifts, but they also have an amazing truth to unite on, the word of God is full of truths.  The problem we face is that our 3 enemies work hard to keep us apart and divided.  Our sin hinders our vision.  To overcome this, understanding goes a LONG way!  The stronger brother may bear with the weaker brother to preserve unity, because he in compassion realizes the weak brother's vision is limited and he primarily needs love now, WHILE he grows with you.