Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Recently I saw a young lady, Rebecca Irving, give a speech on on TEDx Talks.  It was about CONNECTIVITY!  The speech really has to be heard.  But in a nut shell, it's about people being connected.  When we operate the way we were designed, which is to help each other, and work cooperatively, our capabilities and output sky rocket!  Society is like a body.  All parts of the body have something to contribute, and that contribution is necessary.  The whole rest of the body has a very great interest that ALL, including the lesser, parts of the body perform at optimum.  Think about it.  If you are in a marathon, what part of your body do you want throbbing in pain the whole jog?  Its the very same with society.  You have something to offer, and so do I.  As an electrician, I need the mechanic to fix my car so I can drive to work...and we both need the farmer to grow us food so we can eat. The farmer in turn needs the Tractor sales company so he can purchase a tractor...and so on.  EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US is wise to want the other to be at his optimum!  If he is, he can render us all much better and cost efficient service!  ALL OF US ARE NECESSARY!  We are like a bee hive.  Worker bees all work busily away, in unison.  Moody Science Films has a tremendous documentary on the bee hive.  I highly recommend it.  The queen bee has her part, as do the workers.  Lets suppose she adopts a tyrannical rule and starts killing all the bees, and selling all the honey to the black market so she can profit herself.  Instead of producing 100 lbs of honey in a week, now the hive will produce 3 lbs.  That's what oppression does to society.  All we need to do is act like human beings, and cooperate!  Really it all boils down to love.  Love will enable the bee hive of society to perform at optimum.  This planet has HUGE potential.  America's success, is available to every nation on this planet...simply by following some simple laws.

Here's the link to Rebecca's speech.  It really brings across the value  of connected society!

Connectivity-Educate to Connect

Friday, 11 April 2014

Healthy workers are happy workers...and productive workers.  HGH is  VERY IMPORTANT for health!!!  You and I NEED to get some...here's how.


Monday, 7 April 2014

Don't talk about politics or religion in the work place!

Where does this well known maxim originate?  Why are religion and politics banned from the work place?

To answer this, we need definitions. Religion is a belief held to with faith.  Thus all men are religious, including the atheist and the secularist.  Neither the atheist or the secularist can prove God does not exist.  Thus secularism and atheism are religions. 

To answer the first question then...the unspoken ban on religion and politics in the work place, originates from those who pretend to promote freedom of religion in society, while at the same time banning all religions, except their own (because it's 'not' a religion, you see), from the work place.  Remember secularism is a way of thinking...a philosophy...a religion.  This is critical to understand!  So, either God is in or out of the work place!  The secularist says, he is out!  We just need to set down the facts!  That's his philosophy...and its not working too well either.  Just look at our economies world wide.  Look at the financial trouble the USA is in as she turns more and more away from her Creator.  How is turning the work place away from our Creator hurting us?  In a nut shell, we are throwing out the instructions...and so we find ourselves to be fighting a loosing battle.  Why?  God is the source of all good things!  Every breath we take comes from him.  All our money comes from him.  Our strength, our intelligence, our skills, our families, our homes, our health, our food...EVERY things we have that is good...comes from God.

The 2nd Question is easy.  Religion is banned...because the secularist wants us to believe his philosophy is not a religion, so he can keep God out of the work place.  Why does he want to keep God out?  Years ago Donahue interviewed Thomas Huxley Jr, the great great grandson of Thomas Huxley Sr. Thomas Huxley Sr. was Charles Darwin's bull dog. (bulldog = the one who advances/markets/propagates). Donahue asked Thomas Huxley Jr., "What was the reason for the inception of the theory of Evolution?"  Thomas Huxley Jr answered, "It was because the notion of a Creator God entered fear into man's sexual morays!"  So it has nothing to do with science or reason...which is what the text books tell us, and our educators teach us. They are teaching us a hoax.  If you are not so quick to jump on the Evolutionary Hoax banned wagon, that's perfectly all right.

..stay tuned my friend.
