Monday, 7 April 2014

Don't talk about politics or religion in the work place!

Where does this well known maxim originate?  Why are religion and politics banned from the work place?

To answer this, we need definitions. Religion is a belief held to with faith.  Thus all men are religious, including the atheist and the secularist.  Neither the atheist or the secularist can prove God does not exist.  Thus secularism and atheism are religions. 

To answer the first question then...the unspoken ban on religion and politics in the work place, originates from those who pretend to promote freedom of religion in society, while at the same time banning all religions, except their own (because it's 'not' a religion, you see), from the work place.  Remember secularism is a way of thinking...a philosophy...a religion.  This is critical to understand!  So, either God is in or out of the work place!  The secularist says, he is out!  We just need to set down the facts!  That's his philosophy...and its not working too well either.  Just look at our economies world wide.  Look at the financial trouble the USA is in as she turns more and more away from her Creator.  How is turning the work place away from our Creator hurting us?  In a nut shell, we are throwing out the instructions...and so we find ourselves to be fighting a loosing battle.  Why?  God is the source of all good things!  Every breath we take comes from him.  All our money comes from him.  Our strength, our intelligence, our skills, our families, our homes, our health, our food...EVERY things we have that is good...comes from God.

The 2nd Question is easy.  Religion is banned...because the secularist wants us to believe his philosophy is not a religion, so he can keep God out of the work place.  Why does he want to keep God out?  Years ago Donahue interviewed Thomas Huxley Jr, the great great grandson of Thomas Huxley Sr. Thomas Huxley Sr. was Charles Darwin's bull dog. (bulldog = the one who advances/markets/propagates). Donahue asked Thomas Huxley Jr., "What was the reason for the inception of the theory of Evolution?"  Thomas Huxley Jr answered, "It was because the notion of a Creator God entered fear into man's sexual morays!"  So it has nothing to do with science or reason...which is what the text books tell us, and our educators teach us. They are teaching us a hoax.  If you are not so quick to jump on the Evolutionary Hoax banned wagon, that's perfectly all right.

..stay tuned my friend.


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