Tuesday 30 December 2014

Healthy Meals
Some common sense tips from
a simple bachelor
who aint no chef!

I eat simple. ...and I like it that way...so did John the baptist.  

This is hamburger fried right out of the freezer in a cast iron pan (don't use non stick or Aluminum).  Cook it to your preference...well done or rare or somewhere in between.  Its important to eat grass fed beef.  Stay away from supermarket hormone injected beef.  I fried up a whole onion in a cooper bottom pan using coconut oil, which is the best oil in my opinion.  Once the hamburger is done, I put Swiss cheese made from unpasteurized milk on the warm hamburger.  Then I put the fried onion right out of the pan on the whole pile.  I am not shy with sea salt.  Jesus himself said salt is for savor.  So salt it to your taste.  The cholesterol hype is only hype...but the key is to use sea salt, which is full of healthy minerals.  Another key ingredient I add is habanero pepper powder, which I make a powder in a  food processor using dried Habaneros.  It makes your sinus' drip and eyes water...depending on how much you shake on.  The more the better...Cayenne is a very beneficial food for your body!

I think a key to healthy eating is to follow Donald Cargill's advice.  A contemporary Scottish Minister told me he once said, "leave the table a little bit hungry.'  Think about it.  Moderation is good, and we know it.  Gluttony is not good and we all know that too.  And what do you know, good physicians like Dr. Mercola tout fasting.  Its good for your body to go without food in certain seasons.  

Eat according to your lifestyle.  If you are doing heavy physical work, or in the cold outdoors, you will need more energy and thus more food.  Your body will tell you what you need.  We all know when we eat too much....cuz we get fat and slow.  And if we eat too little, we lack energy. 

Monday 15 December 2014

Internet Security Part II

The People are being HURT if we do not POLICE them.

If the internet is soooo major a part of our lives today and is a means from which perhaps most of  our business is done, then why is internet fraud so unchecked?  Why is internet fraud so rampant that when you file a fraud report of a distressed woman requesting help for funds to shelter her, that the police AUTOMATICALLY know its a fraud...or at least they know 99.99%  of such reports turn out to be fraud?

Follow my thoughts on this.  Martial law was practically declared on Ferguson over the Brown shooting.  That was a major show of power to keep the public safe!  How much money was lost in the riots in Ferguson?  Not long ago I saw a news report that Sony was shut down by hackers until certain demands were met.  How much do you think that cost?   I'm willing to wager the cost of Internet fraud, hacking, malaware...by FAAARRRR exceeds the damage from vandals in the nation!!!  How much power is being exercised to defend the people from internet fraud?

Add to this, the fact that Iran is not firing Russian nuclear missiles at the USA...which certainly implies an ability to control hackers.  In my former blog on internet security I made a case that it is a moral issue, not a technical one.  I would say, WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to shut these crimes down!...but we aren't!  Why?  Is the damage selective?...and not representative of all parts of society?  Do we have examples of selective bullying? The IRS was used to target conservatives during this present Presidential administration.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a good man, and the world needs those men.  They need to be protected from IRS targeting, and internet targeting.