Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Healthy Meals
Some common sense tips from
a simple bachelor
who aint no chef!

I eat simple. ...and I like it that way...so did John the baptist.  

This is hamburger fried right out of the freezer in a cast iron pan (don't use non stick or Aluminum).  Cook it to your preference...well done or rare or somewhere in between.  Its important to eat grass fed beef.  Stay away from supermarket hormone injected beef.  I fried up a whole onion in a cooper bottom pan using coconut oil, which is the best oil in my opinion.  Once the hamburger is done, I put Swiss cheese made from unpasteurized milk on the warm hamburger.  Then I put the fried onion right out of the pan on the whole pile.  I am not shy with sea salt.  Jesus himself said salt is for savor.  So salt it to your taste.  The cholesterol hype is only hype...but the key is to use sea salt, which is full of healthy minerals.  Another key ingredient I add is habanero pepper powder, which I make a powder in a  food processor using dried Habaneros.  It makes your sinus' drip and eyes water...depending on how much you shake on.  The more the better...Cayenne is a very beneficial food for your body!

I think a key to healthy eating is to follow Donald Cargill's advice.  A contemporary Scottish Minister told me he once said, "leave the table a little bit hungry.'  Think about it.  Moderation is good, and we know it.  Gluttony is not good and we all know that too.  And what do you know, good physicians like Dr. Mercola tout fasting.  Its good for your body to go without food in certain seasons.  

Eat according to your lifestyle.  If you are doing heavy physical work, or in the cold outdoors, you will need more energy and thus more food.  Your body will tell you what you need.  We all know when we eat too much....cuz we get fat and slow.  And if we eat too little, we lack energy. 

Monday, 15 December 2014

Internet Security Part II

The People are being HURT if we do not POLICE them.

If the internet is soooo major a part of our lives today and is a means from which perhaps most of  our business is done, then why is internet fraud so unchecked?  Why is internet fraud so rampant that when you file a fraud report of a distressed woman requesting help for funds to shelter her, that the police AUTOMATICALLY know its a fraud...or at least they know 99.99%  of such reports turn out to be fraud?

Follow my thoughts on this.  Martial law was practically declared on Ferguson over the Brown shooting.  That was a major show of power to keep the public safe!  How much money was lost in the riots in Ferguson?  Not long ago I saw a news report that Sony was shut down by hackers until certain demands were met.  How much do you think that cost?   I'm willing to wager the cost of Internet fraud, hacking, malaware...by FAAARRRR exceeds the damage from vandals in the nation!!!  How much power is being exercised to defend the people from internet fraud?

Add to this, the fact that Iran is not firing Russian nuclear missiles at the USA...which certainly implies an ability to control hackers.  In my former blog on internet security I made a case that it is a moral issue, not a technical one.  I would say, WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY to shut these crimes down!...but we aren't!  Why?  Is the damage selective?...and not representative of all parts of society?  Do we have examples of selective bullying? The IRS was used to target conservatives during this present Presidential administration.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a good man, and the world needs those men.  They need to be protected from IRS targeting, and internet targeting.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Internet Security
A Clean Internet PAYS to secure from…
Fraud, Hackers, con artists, virus vandals, malware, etc
1.     This problem is moral; not technical, first and foremost. Hackers are human.  They have a foot print!   They are NOT invisible ghosts.  We seem to have this notion they are though, and that we can’t do much about them.  Isn't that because we have been conditioned to accept them, when we really needn't? 
2.     LOGIC says that if the hackers and fraud artists can get to us online, we can get to them!  At the very least, we can shut them off from getting to us!
3.     Has anyone else tried to report Internet fraud to the police only to be told the criminals are in a country that is outside of their jurisdiction, and so our police are helpless to help us?
4.     Are Iranian hackers firing Russian nuclear missiles off at America?  So the needed technology is there.  It’s just not being implemented.  Why?  Is it a strategical problem?  …a technical problem?  Is it a moral problem?  Or is it a mix? These are questions we need to consider.  I believe it is primarily a moral problem.  Why is Monsanto getting away poisoning our globe?  And are there not scores of Monsanto’s in our democratic society?  William Bretton’s restoration of the NYPD in the 90’s, reveals the wisdom in a strategical analysis, too.  Teams of experts, professionals, authorities, ITs, etc. will need to consider optimization of tracking the hackers foot print.  Other possible offensive measures to consider would be things like, sending a friendly digital Tron or a good Trojan horse to the criminal’s computer.   If the hackers are abroad in another country, the team may need to consider the strategy of setting up shop in that country.  It may need to be a white-ops operation.  Militaries establish bases in other countries for the purpose of protecting our homeland.  Business is wise to use the same strategy.  The profits gained by a secure online market, will amply afford the costs associated in these endeavors.  The means of recouping that cost will simply need to be fine-tuned by the team(s).  Optimized tracking can also enable us to simply turn the hackers over to those in authority.  Optimizing the tracking of hackers is a key aspect in this and that will result from team work, out of the box thinking, but most importantly, by the power of God as we seek true justice.  The TEAM will need to look at how to close the various loop holes in the hacker ‘games’, as well.  
5.     One of the chief problems mankind faces is the ‘king of the castle’ attitude.  Tyranny brought on the Declaration of Independence.  Hackers are tyrant’s and must be met with the same response.
6.     Hackers, fraud artists, etc. are criminals who USE technology, even as Hitter USED guns.  The Allies did not shrink back in terror at Hitler’s tanks!  Neither did the Jews when Egypt, along with several more Arab nations, amassed troops on Israel’s borders in 1967…when Israel knocked out her enemies in the miraculous 6 day war.  Why should we run and hide from hackers, ‘HOPING’ these criminals won’t bully us?!?!  They are the ones who need to be made afraid!  The Allies did not put up with the Nazi’s laughing at them!  Why are we the people being left unprotected (on the web) then in the ‘free’ world?  Why is there not a well-known WEB911 number to call, when there should be? 
7.     If hackers and fraud artists and any and all internet piracy is adequately addressed by the business community, and justice is secured, prosperity will follow.  The cost to secure online security will more than pay for itself. The team of experts would analyze the mode of marketing this brand (internet security). It can and will be done, once we secure a team to start the ball rolling.  If this team does not stir the authorities to their duty in the process (which is the ideal, since it is their duty), the team will secure justice for the business and private world on the internet.  People, this really a simple problem.  Computers are just a tool, as guns are a tool.  Cabela’s sells guns, and they sell them in a safe manner.  Otherwise they could not do business!  They keep the guns BEHIND the counter, lock the guns, keep their eyes open, keep loaded 45 magnums underneath the counter, etc.  It’s the same with computers!  We are being sloppy somewhere along the line.   We just need to find and fix the holes…just as online marketing experts/coaches find the gaps in online marketing funnels.  In the very same fashion, this problem of internet security can and will be dealt with.  If 97% of online businesses fail, how much of that failure is due to piracy?  If the open seas are not seen as safe for commerce, how much economic damage are we really suffering? The cost has to be ASTRONOMICAL!  Securing the internet will open our markets up like we cannot believe!  It will give 10 fold prosperity…and more!  The ideas I have laid down here, are just a few examples of many, to show we have what it takes to deal with this problem.  The exact business plan will be put together by the team.  The sooner we assemble the team(s), the better for us all!  Businesses cannot exist without private individuals (customers)!  And those customers aren't likely to sail in seas that are left open to pirate ships.   How many million dollar companies have been prevented even from birth, by piracy curbing commerce in the open seas?  Private persons see the dangers in those seas…many of which were truly gifted to run million dollar companies and benefit society with their gifts and labors.  The damage is likely in the billions of dollars!!!  Our economies NEED us to address this problem URGENTLY!!!  This is a global threat, and the impact, I dare say, is greater than was Hitler’s threat to the world.  Isn't it TIME for the Allies to rise, and deal with hackers?!

To God Be the Glory!

Monday, 6 October 2014

The book, MULTIPLIERS, CONFIRMS a KEY truth God has been pressing on my heart.

Essentially, people DO NOT thrive under oppression!  Bullying is not only in our schools!  Most of us know how serious of a problem bullying is in the schools.  In Mission, BC, a teenage girl committed suicide 10 or so years ago because of the crushing bullying she was subjected to.  I don't know how that makes you feel, but it makes me furious!  There is NO WAY that sort of thing should be allowed!  What?  Can't we adults handle the heat?  Can't we prevent this?  You know what?  My question is designed to stir those with power and authority up, and it will.  But it is also true, that we can't.  You know why?  Because we bully in society all the time.  Look at Monsanto and what that Nazi company is doing in the courts!  There are so many forms of Bullying going on in our society...that it is unbelievable!  And that is the bottom line reason why we have bullying going on in our schools.  

This book shows the POWER of people in authority have as they nurture those under their supervision!  People take off like rockets with loving and wise rule over them.  One powerful story  in the beginning of the book is about an Israeli tank commander.  The man performs with stellar performance when necessity demands, but when later placed under domineering and belittling command, he is unable to perform.  This is such and excellent and outstanding example found in the first chapter of the book.  You have to read or listen to it to really appreciate it...and the magnitude of the impact bullying and oppressive rule has upon people.

So the moral of the story is, that we recognize what makes us thrive, and I mean really thrive...and also to see what devastation we suffer under at present...EVEN IN DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY!  You know every veterans day we remember the war heros of WWII, and how they delivered us from Hitler.  But we need to realize, while we celebrate that, we do so while the very same oppression is being employed by those alongside us, or worse... even by ourselves!  We need to WISE UP PEOPLE!

The 10 commandments will prevent bullying.  The 10 commandments are a protective umbrella under which mankind will flourish.  And the Millennium is near...a time in which the 10 commandments will bless mankind all across this globe as nations realize the TREMENDOUS blessing to be had by doing things the way the Creator designed them to be done...even as putting premium grade oil in the engine vs sand, impacts our vehicles performance.

I'm listening to Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (Unabridged) by Liz Wiseman, Greg McKeown on #Audible for #Android . Get the app free: https://www.audible.com/wireless @audible_com 

Comments on...Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter

Friday, 29 August 2014

Life style

This is sort of a journal entry which gives mention (not detailed descriptions) of a whole slew of very powerful life style practices that can totally transform your life.  Maybe we can call this Curtis' Lifestyle Coaching 101.  Here we go. 

This is a picture of a tailgate lunch.  Well, this lesson requires me to tell you the tale.  Its a true tale.  Kind of reminds me of a new powerful nutrition documentary I just purchased on Youtube...Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, by an Australian, Joe Cross.  Any how, I had an interview today with Konecranes...and I am keen on this job.  The interview was @ 1pm.  In the morning I did my surge training, had my smoothie, and prayed to God after reading his word and singing his Psalms.  Its vitally important to start the day with God!  I went to the park for a walk and enjoyed the beauty of God's creation...soaking up the smiles and laughter in the children, talking to some dog owners, seeing old couples sit on the park bench and joggers jogging, face painters looking like seamstresses...if you don't get all of that, don't worry...I'm just rambling about the fun time I had at the park. Being out of work is not fun, but you can have fun in the midst of that and make the best of things.  Why focus on the things in life that are negative?  

Well, noon rolled around, and I was hungry...so instead of McDonald's, I KNEW I had much better food at home...not only health wise but scrumptious wise.  Below you see two over easy eggs (good farm eggs...quality) with butter on top, melted Cheese, avocado, and sea salt to taste.  The peppers are from a little Summer Fire pepper plant I bought recently at a farmers market.  The plant is about 1 foot tall and has about 50 peppers on it...I love it.,  You can buy cheese with peppers in it.  I figure this is even better...fresh peppers just picked.  I take a bite of cheese then a nibble of pepper and viola...peppered cheese...MMMM....MMM!  Was this ever good.

Any how, I went home and cooked this up in about 10 min.  But I had to get going to my interview.  I had time to eat, but I listened to my better judgment and remembered philosophers when they went to debates they would fast  Fasting clears your head to think better and more clearly.  Well, I had a decision to make...satisfy my hunger here and now...or take it with me and eat after the interview.  I decided to go hungry and have a clearer mind for the interview.  The interview went very well, and so did the tail gate eating out @ KFC.  I was parked in KFC parking lot.  I love pick ups.  You just pull down the tail gate and presto...you have a bench.  Well, along comes the yellow jackets.  They get hungry too you know.  Well, I'm pretty good with yellow jackets.  Some folks head for the hills when they show up...LOL.  I just wave at them.  If they get to busy...I just up and walk around the truck and loose them.  You can tell when they are mad and aggressive.  If they are after food, you just have to sort of wave your hand around them and they are like a jet fighter pilot, who normally steers clear of the enemy aircraft carrier...LOL.  So, I ate a wholesome meal in a junk food parking lot...LOL.  And after my fasted interview.  That's my life coaching for today.  BTW...hot peppers are a very powerful and necessary food.  I have a few posts on them in the past month.  The posts do not list all they do for you, but I do note an important book in one of the posts.  If you cant' find it let me know and I will get you there.  One other thing, the cheese is made from unpasteurized milk...which is rare in Canada.  Canada is, I think, the only nation in the world in which you cannot buy unpasteurized milk for human consumption.  Its a monopoly/control thing.  Lactose intolerance is a result of homogenization and pasteurization.  Raw milk will only strengthen you and heal you.  It has INCREDIBLE power!

If you noticed, I just gave a ton of powerful points on health and lifestyle that have huge impact.  I pray you all may prosper too in the use of these God given blessings.  Peace.

Monday, 30 June 2014

rain maker counsel… the counsel is so very simple…yet the impact is so very profound!
This is earth shattering!  This is what happens when God is IN the workplace.  What?  Paul Gautschi discovered the answer to mankind’s farming problems!  Paul’s discovery is more significant than the invention of the wheel, the computer, or flight.  How did this come about?  Paul interacts with God.  He talks to God and God talks to him IN THE WORKPLACE.
God made us, and he made the earth.  He knows how it works.  Naturally with God on our side, we can expect to do incredible things!

Get a hold of a copy of Back to Eden and watch…watch how Paul, interacting with God, IN THE WORK PLACE, unearths this earth shattering farming technique.

The reason for this repeat coverage of Back to Eden, is that it is such a monumental revelatory discovery!  And it is so in many respects.  The discovery made by Paul here not only solves so many modern farming issues, but MORE IMPORTANTLY it discovers the significance of God being ACTIVELY INCLUDED in the work place.

Free viweing of Back to Eden

Purchase a copy of Back to Eden

What REALLY displays the POWER of INCLUDING God in the work place, is that Paul is not educated!

Paul Gautschi | Gardener

Paul Gautschi has been a gardener for over 55 years and is known locally as a master arborist. In 1979 Paul and his family moved to the Northern Peninsula of Washington from California. As a father to 7 children, he has raised food for his family and friends – never to sell. Paul has given lively tours of his orchards and gardens to international groups from 1 to 450 who have also enjoyed the fruits of his labor. Published articles featuring Paul and his gardens include Sunset magazineMother Earth NewsOrganic New Zealand magazine, and the Peninsula Daily News newspaper. Back to Eden has been broadcast on Amazing Discoveries TV and CapeTown TV (South Africa) and was an official selection in the Awareness Festival and Green Unplugged Film Festival.

Paul’s generosity, passion and enthusiastic outlook has changed the lives of people in the local region and travelers from afar. If you would like to schedule a tour of Paul's home garden, please contact Paul

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Rainmaker is a term to describe one whose council has UNBELIEVABLE impact for the good.  Its God who actually makes the rain.  A rainmaker is one who knows the way to bring down the Creators favor.

Here is ANOTHER ...EARTH SHATTERING example of what wise council can do for mankind.  This is totally revolutionary!  It is incredibly powerful!  And I am no hype snake oil sales man.  Watch the documentary and see for yourself.

What is it?  In a nut shell, it basically shows modern 1st world farming methods have been completely backwards for...EVER!  But especially in our day.

Here is the link.


Here is a link to the full movie until June 27/14

Temporary link to Back to Eden (6/27)

So, it all comes down to your source.  Where are you getting your advice from?  This documentary is POWERFUL proof wise counsel is like a rudder on a large ship.  You can reinvent the wheel if you want, but why would you?  How much time and money do you farmers think this farming method in this documentary will save?  The figures are so high, that it is an astronomical amount of savings!

This documentary is so monumental...I am speechless!  It is absolutely amazing how that rudder can steer a ship into much much calmer and safer waters!

What I am so thrilled about, is that the documentary shows the power of doing things the way they were MADE to be done!  That's what its all about.  If we drive down the right side of the road, we will arrive at our destination safe and sound.  If we sail our boat clear of the coral reef, we will not ship wreck.  If we put gas, and not sand, in our gas tank, our car will run well.  If we optimize the bee hive, watch the honey production shoot through the roof!

Friday, 6 June 2014

Now and then you come across some PHENOMENAL documentary films.  Here is one!

 Fed Up Trailer

As Dr David Ludwig (Associate Professor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School) notes in this trailer of what looks like an excellent documentary, "We place private profit above public health...systematic political failure!"  The documentary cites some high profile authorities making this documentary an earth shattering expose.  They cite/interview Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States!  This looks REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!

Rat poison for humans...only it takes a couple years to kill you.  

Friday, 23 May 2014

Socialism and Public Education.

This article is POWERFUL and a MUST read!  This is a perfect illustration of the outcome of Socialism...living PROOF of what it does to society, to mankind.  I can tell you one thing, this mentality certainly does not emanate from the Protestant Reformation.  WE are suffering this oppression now mankind, in greater and lesser degrees...depending on where you live.  Here in Canada, socialism is huge. Help us God!!!

Socialism High School Experiment

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Recently I saw a young lady, Rebecca Irving, give a speech on on TEDx Talks.  It was about CONNECTIVITY!  The speech really has to be heard.  But in a nut shell, it's about people being connected.  When we operate the way we were designed, which is to help each other, and work cooperatively, our capabilities and output sky rocket!  Society is like a body.  All parts of the body have something to contribute, and that contribution is necessary.  The whole rest of the body has a very great interest that ALL, including the lesser, parts of the body perform at optimum.  Think about it.  If you are in a marathon, what part of your body do you want throbbing in pain the whole jog?  Its the very same with society.  You have something to offer, and so do I.  As an electrician, I need the mechanic to fix my car so I can drive to work...and we both need the farmer to grow us food so we can eat. The farmer in turn needs the Tractor sales company so he can purchase a tractor...and so on.  EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US is wise to want the other to be at his optimum!  If he is, he can render us all much better and cost efficient service!  ALL OF US ARE NECESSARY!  We are like a bee hive.  Worker bees all work busily away, in unison.  Moody Science Films has a tremendous documentary on the bee hive.  I highly recommend it.  The queen bee has her part, as do the workers.  Lets suppose she adopts a tyrannical rule and starts killing all the bees, and selling all the honey to the black market so she can profit herself.  Instead of producing 100 lbs of honey in a week, now the hive will produce 3 lbs.  That's what oppression does to society.  All we need to do is act like human beings, and cooperate!  Really it all boils down to love.  Love will enable the bee hive of society to perform at optimum.  This planet has HUGE potential.  America's success, is available to every nation on this planet...simply by following some simple laws.

Here's the link to Rebecca's speech.  It really brings across the value  of connected society!

Connectivity-Educate to Connect

Friday, 11 April 2014

Healthy workers are happy workers...and productive workers.  HGH is  VERY IMPORTANT for health!!!  You and I NEED to get some...here's how.


Monday, 7 April 2014

Don't talk about politics or religion in the work place!

Where does this well known maxim originate?  Why are religion and politics banned from the work place?

To answer this, we need definitions. Religion is a belief held to with faith.  Thus all men are religious, including the atheist and the secularist.  Neither the atheist or the secularist can prove God does not exist.  Thus secularism and atheism are religions. 

To answer the first question then...the unspoken ban on religion and politics in the work place, originates from those who pretend to promote freedom of religion in society, while at the same time banning all religions, except their own (because it's 'not' a religion, you see), from the work place.  Remember secularism is a way of thinking...a philosophy...a religion.  This is critical to understand!  So, either God is in or out of the work place!  The secularist says, he is out!  We just need to set down the facts!  That's his philosophy...and its not working too well either.  Just look at our economies world wide.  Look at the financial trouble the USA is in as she turns more and more away from her Creator.  How is turning the work place away from our Creator hurting us?  In a nut shell, we are throwing out the instructions...and so we find ourselves to be fighting a loosing battle.  Why?  God is the source of all good things!  Every breath we take comes from him.  All our money comes from him.  Our strength, our intelligence, our skills, our families, our homes, our health, our food...EVERY things we have that is good...comes from God.

The 2nd Question is easy.  Religion is banned...because the secularist wants us to believe his philosophy is not a religion, so he can keep God out of the work place.  Why does he want to keep God out?  Years ago Donahue interviewed Thomas Huxley Jr, the great great grandson of Thomas Huxley Sr. Thomas Huxley Sr. was Charles Darwin's bull dog. (bulldog = the one who advances/markets/propagates). Donahue asked Thomas Huxley Jr., "What was the reason for the inception of the theory of Evolution?"  Thomas Huxley Jr answered, "It was because the notion of a Creator God entered fear into man's sexual morays!"  So it has nothing to do with science or reason...which is what the text books tell us, and our educators teach us. They are teaching us a hoax.  If you are not so quick to jump on the Evolutionary Hoax banned wagon, that's perfectly all right.

..stay tuned my friend.


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Hitler's greatness teaches a powerful lesson

Put Gas in the gas tank; not sand!

Hitler was a GENIUS!  Hitler was POWERFUL!  Hitler had incredible people skills!

But he left out ONE very important thing.  WISDOM!  His lack of wisdom, led to his demise.  Hitler is a PRIME example of what happens...EVEN TO THE GREATEST MEN HISTORY HAS EVER KNOWN...when they go contrary to the Law!